Your cat, our passion

Our Story

In a world where feline companionship knows no bounds, there exists a place that caters to the holistic needs of our whiskered friends—Lazy Cat Hotel, Spa in Phuket.

Our journey began with a simple belief: raising cats is an art, and every whisker deserves to flourish within a harmonious environment.

your cat's home away from home

The Lazy Cat Hotel Phuket

your cat's home away from home

The Lazy Cat Hotel Phuket

Imagine a cozy haven nestled amidst the lush landscapes of Phuket, where our feline guests find their home away from home. Lazy Cat Hotel & Spa in Phuket is not just a place to rest; it's a sanctuary where comfort meets companionship.

Our luxurious cat suites are thoughtfully designed to provide both relaxation and entertainment, ensuring that our guests revel in the lap of luxury.

The Lazy

Cat Spa Phuket

The Lazy

Cat Spa Phuket

As our furry friends deserve pampering too, we introduced the Lazy Cat Spa—a retreat where they can indulge in ultimate relaxation.

Our team of cat groomers offers tailored cat spa treatments and grooming services.

From cat spa treatments that knead away stress to cat baths that leave fur gleaming, our spa is where cats rediscover their inner zen.

The Lazy

Cat Store

The Lazy

Cat Store

Every cat's well-being hinges on the products they use, and we understand this better than anyone.

In our Lazy Cat Store, we curate a range of exclusive cat products, carefully sourced to enhance their lives.

From designer cat clothing to quirky toys, each item is selected with the love and care your feline companion deserves.


A Whiskered Symphony

At Lazy Cat Hotel & Spa in Phuket, we believe in the harmony of these three pillars: the cat hotel, the cat spa, and the cat store.

We provide a 360-degree approach to cat care, ensuring that your beloved companions thrive physically, mentally, and emotionally.

It's not just a service—it's a commitment to the well-being of our whiskered friends.


Whiskered Community

But Lazy Cat Hotel in Phuket is not just about us; it's about you and your feline family members.

We invite you to be part of our whiskered community, where stories, advice, and adorable cat tales are shared.

Let's embark on this journey together and give our cats the lives they truly deserve.

Welcome to Lazy Cat Hotel & Spa in Phuket—a place where love for cats knows no bounds, and their happiness is our guiding star.

Come, be a part of our world, and let's raise cats with love, luxury, and lots of purrs.

The Lazy Cat Hotel in Phuket

Our Ethos

Our mission

At Lazy Cat Hotel in Phuket, our mission is to provide a safe, comfortable, and loving environment for your feline companions.

We aim to create a home away from home where cats receive the care, attention, and respect they deserve.

We ensure that both cats and their owners can experience peace of mind during their time apart.

Our vision

Our vision is to set the standard for cat care, redefining the concept of cat hotels.

We envision a world where every cat can find a second home filled with compassion, playfulness, and well-being.

We commit to excellence, and genuine care, and strive to be the place-to-go for parents seeking the best for their cats.

Our Values

Our commitment is to ensure your cat's happiness, safety, and well-being.
With a lifelong love for animals, our team has spent years volunteering at animal shelters, fostering a strong sense of responsibility toward their well-being.
The values that guide Lazy Cat Hotel in Phuket are rooted in compassion, dedication, and an unwavering belief that pets deserve the best care.
We understand the unique bond between humans and their feline companions, and our mission is to provide a home away from home – a place where cats can thrive, and owners can have peace of mind.

Our Space

At Lazy Cat Hotel, every facet of our space is designed with your cat's comfort and happiness in mind. Our philosophy revolves around creating an environment that your cat will adore and can enjoy their stay to the fullest.
From custom-designed cat rooms to carefully curated play areas, we have crafted a space where your cat can enjoy every moment. Our advanced ventilation and hygiene systems ensure a healthy atmosphere, while our team's genuine care adds an extra layer of comfort.
The heart of Lazy Cat Hotel beats with a deep understanding of cats' needs and an unyielding commitment to their well-being, making us the perfect choice for discerning pet owners. Now, you can travel without worry, knowing your cat is in safe and caring hands.